Day 1
Soak 1-2 T broccoli seeds for about 10 hours.
Day 2 morning and evening
Drain, rinse with fresh water, drain.
Cover with gauze and a rubber band.
Place in a warm, dark place, like under the sink.
Rinse with fresh water, drain. Repeat if the water seems cloudy.
Cover with gauze and a rubber band.
Put them back in the warm, dark place.
Day 4 morning and evening
The same routine: rinse, drain, put back.
The fuzzy bits are roots, not mold. |
Day 4 morning and evening
The same routine: rinse, drain, put back.
Day 5 morning
Rinse with fresh water, drain. Repeat if the water seems cloudy.
By this time, your sprouts should be pretty good-sized. If you want, take some out and place them in sunlight for a couple hours to get nice and green to use that day. Return the rest to the cool, dark place, covered with gauze.
Day 6 morning
Rinse with fresh water, drain. Repeat once or twice.
Place the jar in indirect sunlight for a couple hours, then cover and refrigerate.
- Broccoli sprouts take 4-6 days to grow.
- Excess moisture is bad. The seeds should be damp, but not wet. Don't leave any water at the bottom of the jar after rinsing.
- On day 2-3, when tiny roots appear, they will look fuzzy. That is not mold. If they get moldy, they will smell foul.
- I rinse mine only morning and evening. Others suggest rinsing them 3-4 times a day. Sometimes I give them a soak for a few minutes.
- The brown hulls keep them a little too moist, so you can remove them while you soak the sprouts by touching the surface of the water with a wooden chopstick. They stick readily to the chopstick and you can get rid of them.
- You can start eating them from about day 4. Take out what you want that day and give them some indirect sunlight for a few hours to make them green. Direct sunshine might cook them.
- You may want to start another batch on about day 4 in order to have a constant supply of fresh sprouts.
- I start taking out portions each day from about day 4, and by day 6 or 7, if there are any left, I put them in indirect light for a few hours and then rinse and store them in a covered container in the fridge.
- 1 T of seeds seems to make about 3 cups of sprouts.